Literatur zu Godly Play/ Gott im Spiel (in englischer Sprache)

Chattin-McNichols, John: Concepts from Montessori Theory and Practice for Godly Play Teachers (Lecture, Presented at the European Godly Play Conference, Helsinki, 2010)

Chattin-McNichols, John: Concepts from Montessori Theory and Practice for Godly Play Teachers (PPP (12MB), Presented at the European Godly Play Conference, Helsinki, 2010)

Luodeslampi, Juha: Church at Play. In: Emilia Kosunen and Juha Luodeslampi based on the Finnish book Kohti leikkivää kirkkoa (Ed. Kalevi Virtanen, ISBN 951-628-533-8)

McClain, Rebecca: Graceful Nurture. Using Godly Play with Adults. New York 2017

Nye, Rebecca: Godly Play: Cultural Adaptation Lessons learnt so far. Quelle:

Pridmore, John: The child on the shore. Annual lecture of the Godly Play-Trust (UK), Dec.6, 2009, Newcastle

Sheldon, Andrew: The Sacrament That Won’t Sit Still. Guest lecture at the National Godly Play Conference in Australia, July 16, 2011

SCHWARTZ, Victoria: The Theological Differenves Between Godly Play and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Center for Children and Theology, Occasional Papers, Washington D.C., July 2018

Schweiker, Wolfhard: Testing the Good Shepherd; Übersetzung von:Der Gute Hirte im Test: Godly Play im Religionsunterricht einer Sonderschul-Klasse. In: CRP 57/ 2004, 48-49

SCHWEIKER, Wolfhard: Building the Circle with Each Other. In: The Circle: A Godly Play Quarterly Publication, May 2017, 10-11

STEINHÄUSER, Martin, ØYSTESE Rune. Godly Play – European Perspectives on Practice and Research, Gott im Spiel – Europäische Perspektiven auf Praxis und Forschung. Münster: Waxmann 2018, 394 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-8309-3630-5

Table of content as well as abstracts of 11 contributions from Part I of the German book:

Martin Steinhäuser (Hg.)
Godly Play. Das Konzept zum spielerischen Entdecken von Bibel und Glauben. Bd.5: Analysen. Handlungsfelder, Praxis.
Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2008, 256 p. ISBN 978-3-374-02594-7 (The concept for Playfully Discovering Bible and Faith. Vol.5: Analyses, Settings, Praxis) Download als PDF-file

(contributions marked with an * were originally written in English language; they might be requested from the authors although the copyright lies with the Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Leipzig)
To get to the abstracts, use the links on the right.

Part I: Analyses

Friedrich Schweitzer
Godly Play and the Idea of Religious Education – the Idea of Religious Education and Godly Play: Considerations and Impulses from the Perspective of Education and Children’s Theology

Norbert Mette
The Child as Mystery
Godly Play in the Context of Roman-Catholic Concepts for Religious Education and Catechesis

Christian Kahrs
From the Question of God to the Presentation and Imagination of God
An Essay about Godly Play as a Critique of Protestant Religious Education

Martin Steinhäuser
On the Road to One’s Own Faith.
Godly Play as a Concept for Liturgical Education

Delia Freudenreich
„Feeling Something Good behind me…”
Researching Children’s Spirituality as Foundation of Godly Play

David H. Jensen*
Godly Play in a Consumer Age: Reorienting Our Understanding of Childhood

Evamaria Simon
„The wolf has to be God.”
Mystic and Mystagogy in Godly Play

Peter Müller
Storytelling and Translating
Hermeneutical Reflections on Godly Play

Frank Zeeb
The Elusive Presence of God
Remarks on the Impact of Samuel Terrien’s Biblical Theology on Godly Play

Jerome W. Berryman*
Playful Orthodoxy: Reconnecting Religion and Creativity by Education

Christina Kalloch
Art in Godly Play.
Aesthetic Criteria and Examples for a Didactic of Images in Godly Play

Evamaria Simon
Touching Deep
Pretherapeutic Aspects in Godly Play

Sarah Lena Lasch / Tanja Pütz
“I don’t think about anything, just about what I’m doing.”
Interviews with Pre-school Children about their Perception of “Polarization of Attention” in Working with the Godly Play Method

Part II: Settings of Godly Play / Gott im Spiel in Germany

Ulrike Labuhn
“White was so pretty, want to paint it!“
Opportunities and Challenges of Godly Play in Day Care Centers

Wolfhard Schweiker
Educational Tasks and Religious Education.
Godly Play in Public schools

Brigitte Zeeh–Silva
Grammar School
Godly Play in the Religious Education concept of „Developing Competences“

Martina Fleig / Wolfhard Schweiker
Godly Play in Special Education Schools

Ute Bögel
Godly Play in Children’s Church (Sunday School) – Impossible?

Ulrike Wenzel
Children’s Groups in the Parish: Godly Play in Weekday Programs

Anita Müller-Friese / Birgit Holstein
Godly Play with Adults. Experiences and Ideas

Part III: Praxis

Ulrike Anhut / Martin Steinhäuser
Into the parish.
Experiences with Introducing Godly Play

Jens Seipolt
Singing Together. 65 Songs for the Godly Play Curriculum

Rebecca Nye*
The Art of Wondering
Practical Help for a Deeper Understanding and Leading of the Process of Wondering

Di Pagel*
Godly Play and Upper Elementary Age Children

Peter Privett*
Object – Boxes
Developing New Stories and Materials as a Creative Process